Headquartered in New York City, Byron Preiss Multimedia develops and publishes exciting multimedia software for the consumer, school, library, and small business markets. Its products are distinguished by high-quality editorial content, graphics, audio, and video.

The premier title from Byron Preiss Multimedia--Isaac Asimov's The Ultimate Robot--received a prestigious Invision Award. Byron Preiss Multimedia Company develops and publishes a wide range of interactive multimedia software under several imprints. The Ultimate Einstein appears under the Digital Bauhaus imprint. Other Digital Bauhaus products include The Ultimate Frank Lloyd Wright, Scientific American Library's The Planets, and American Heritage Multimedia: The Civil War.

Albert Einstein was one of the most celebrated individuals of the twentieth century. But the reasons for Einstein's huge fame too often remain just beyond our reach; his theories defy our everyday sense of reality, and his place in twentieth century history and the development of the atomic bomb is often misunderstood. The Ultimate Einstein is designed to be an accessible guide to Einstein's life and work, introducing you to Einstein's revolutionary theories of space, time, light, and gravity, and encouraging you to explore his contributions to humanity.

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